Life Groups

At RockPoint, life groups are our life blood

With over a dozen different life groups or mid-week ministry opportunities to choose from, every person has every chance to engage with the body of Christ, to love and be loved well.

Winter/Spring Semester



Dave’s Bible Study

9:15 AM

This is the church’s longest running LifeGroup! Join us every Sunday morning at the church for a Bible study and lively discussion on a variety of topics and passages in the Word. Adults of all ages are welcome.

Leaders: Dave & Linda Venable

Spiritual Warfare

4:00 PM

Bring a potluck dish to share and enjoy an evening of food and fellowship at the Kaplans’ home, as we watch a video series on spiritual warfare and learn how to be victorious in the battles we face.

Leaders: Rudy & Shannon Kaplan

Zoom Bible Study

6:00 PM

Join us online as we “Zoom” through scripture and study the Word. We meet weekly from the comfort of our own homes, then quarterly we gather and enjoy an evening of in-person fellowship over a potluck meal.

Leaders: Paul & Sandy Thompson/Claudia Werber


Ladies Prayer

10:00 AM

All women are welcome to join in a time of prayer at the church. “Nothing of significance happens apart from prayer!”

Leader: Shannon Kaplan


6:30 PM

Young adults, college students, and young professionals are invited for an intimate evening of worship at the Tooheys’, followed by a great discussion and dinner. Bring a friend!

Leaders: Jack & Delaney Toohey


Ladies Prayer

3:00 PM

A second option for women to gather and pray together!

Leader: Karen Toohey

Young Families

5:30 PM

Families of young children are invited to hang out together with and without the kids! First we’ll eat, and then the kids will have a fun time with their childcare provider while the adults enjoy meaningful and uninterrupted conversation. We meet upstairs at the church.

Leaders: Daniel & Cassie Roberts


6:00 – 7:30 PM

Got questions? We’ve got answers! Alpha is the perfect place to ask questions about faith and explore what it means to be a Christian. First we eat dinner, then we watch a short video, and then we have some really great conversation about what we just learned. If you are new to faith or want to learn how to explain your faith to others, the ALPHA course is for you! We meet downstairs at the church.


7:00 PM

This lively group is full of fun people who ask good questions and offer some great answers too. Everyone gets a chance to share their thoughts as we work our way through the book, “Soulcare.” We meet indoors at the Schauermanns’ until summer, when we switch to a casual BBQ potluck and fellowship format.

Leaders: Chris & Shary Shauermann


The Bookclub Ladies Bible Study

10:00 AM & 7:00 PM

Whether you work, have kids at home, or other commitments, we have two options available—morning or evening. The study is identical, so if you miss one you can always catch the other. We meet at the church. This semester we will be reading, “Me, Myself & Lies,”  with a complementary Bible study each week, plus some practical “closet cleaning!” Please inform us if you need childcare.

Leader: Pastor Karyn

On the Rock

7:00 PM

This study is open to both men and women, and we meet at the church in the meeting room in the lower level. This semester we will be studying the book of Romans.

Leaders: Pastor Jeff


Homeschool Co-Op

12:00 PM

This fun co-op is for homeschooling families of all ages. The location will vary, depending on the activity. Expect fun field trips to nature trails, science labs, crafting stores and more! Great support for homeschooling parents navigating education, spiritual values and healthy socialization.

Leader: Rhonda Langley

School of the Prophets

7:00 PM

We are a prophetic church! If you would like to know what the Bible has to say about prophetic ministry, why we should do it in the church today, and how it should be done according to biblical principles, then take this class! We meet in the fellowship room of the church, classroom style, with worship breakouts around the piano or guitar.

Leader: Pastor Karyn

Stitching Love

7:00 PM

This unique group meets at the First Methodist Church where there is an empty room large enough to hold stitchers and their machines and fabric. This semester we’ll be making blankets for veterans and enjoying fellowship while we work.

Leader: Tammy Eaton

God’s Garage

7:00 PM

Get your hands dirty while having a blast! There are so many layers to this LifeGroup. Guys in a garage fixing cars is a great start, but there is purpose behind the project! We work on cars for single moms here at home, but we also work on donated vehicles to get them running again, then we sell them and use the proceeds to buy/build churches in Cuba. Great fellowship and mentoring takes place under the hood as well! Come hang out at Ken Summers’ garage with us!

Leaders: Ken Summers & Team


Men’s Bible Study & Prayer

6:30 AM

Want to pray before the workday starts? Join us at Roth’s grocery store in McMinnville and enjoy an early morning coffee, fellowship, prayer and a Bible study with some great guys.

Leader: Bryan Langley

7:00 PM

There’s no better way for a teenager to spend a Friday night than with a great LifeGroup! Fun activities, good conversation on tough issues, prayer, positive peer pressure, and strong mentoring…and snacks! Location and night varies from week to week.


Guys – Trent Toney & Wesley Seigneur

Girls – Cheyenne Miller & Adrianna Toohey

Not sure what group to sign up for?

Sign up and we’ll help you find the best fit.