Life Groups
At RockPoint, life groups are our life blood
With over a dozen different life groups or mid-week ministry opportunities to choose from, every person has every chance to engage with the body of Christ, to love and be loved well.
Dave’s Class
A weekly Bible study and discussion on relevant topics.
Leaders: Dave & Linda Venable
Meets: Sundays 9:15 AM
Location: Rockpoint Church
Zoom Bible Study
Leader: Pal & Sandy Thompson, Claudia Werber
Meets: Sundays, 6 pm
Location: Zoom
Women’s Prayer
Leader: Shannon Kaplan & Karen Toohey
Meets: Mondays, 10 AM & Tuesdays, 3 PM
Location: Rockpoint Church
Young Professionals
Leaders: Jack & Delaney Toohey
Meets: Mondays, 6:30 PM
Location: Toohey Residence
Answering the questions of Life.
Leaders: Gabe & Tracy Campos, Kathy Stewart
Meets: Tuesdays, 6 PM
Location: Campos’ Residence
Dinner is Provided.
Weekly Bible Study
Leaders: Chris & Shary Schauermann
Meets: Tuesdays, 7 PM
Location: Schauermann Residence
Young Families
Leaders: Daniel & Cassie Roberts
Meets: Tuesdays, 5:30 PM
Location: Roberts’ Residence
“On the Rock
A study of the book of Romans
Leader: Pastor Jeff Wells
Meets: Wednesdays, 7 PM
Location: Rockpoint Church
Freedom Through Faith
Journibles: A book study on the book of Romans. Cost of Book: $6
Leader: Pastor Karyn Wells
Meets: Wednesdays 10 AM or 7 PM
Location: RockPoint Church
God’s Garage
Fix a Car, Build a Church.
Leaders: Ken Summers, Rudy Kaplan, & Tim Jaquith
Meets: Wednesdays, 7 PM
Location: Summers’ Garage
Biblical Civics
Biblical Civics takes a journey through the Bible and American history to rediscover what produces a prosperous society when Biblical principles are applied.
There will be about an hour of video presentation followed by discussion. Come prepared to take notes! Buying the workbook ($15) is not required, but it does have a lot of supplemental information, including the Constitution in modern English.
Leaders: Dave & Linda Venable
Meets: Thursdays, 6:30 PM, Sept 26 – Nov 21
Location: Venable’s Residence
Homeschool Co-op
A fun time of activity and interaction for moms and homeschool students.
Leader: Rhonda Langley
Meets: Thursdays, 12 PM
Location: RockPoint Church
Stitching Love
Making quilts for orphans.
Leader: Tammy Eaton
Meets: Thurdays, 7 PM
Location: TBD
Youth Boys
Leaders: Wesley Signeur & Trent Toney
Meets: Saturdays, 7 PM
Location: Rockpoint Church
Not sure what group to sign up for?
Sign up and we’ll help you find the best fit.