Kids on the Rock

Our safe, fun, engaging children’s ministry

Our Kids on the Rock class is available Sunday mornings at 11 AM during the regular service. In addition to our Sunday classes, be sure to join in on our quarterly KOTR parties!

We can’t wait to welcome your kids into the Kids on the Rock. They’ll have a ton of fun in a safe, clean, caring environment filled with laughter, an engaging lesson and lots of love.

— Dan and Colleen Multop, KOTR Coordinators

RockPoint Youth

Our dynamic, thriving, and faith-filled youth ministry

RockPoint Youth is for young people in middle school or high school.

We meet every Wednesday night from 6:30 – 8:30pm to hang out, play games, eat snacks and have fun as we engage in worship and the Word.

We would love for you to be there!

This generation needs the hope of God and encouragement from the Holy Spirit like never before. It’s our great joy to care for the young people at RockPoint Youth and minister the hope, healing, and life of Jesus to them.

— Justin and Melissa Sainton, Youth Pastors

Elevate | RockPoint Young Adults

Our authentic and vibrant young adults ministry

Elevate is for young adults, ages 18-30, and meets on Mondays, 6:30 at the Toohey’s. Single or married, kids or not, attending college or not – all are welcome!

Our great passion is connecting with 18-30 year-olds, discipling them through so many of life’s great transitions. Whether through college, marriage, kids or careers – life can be intense and our heart is to point people to Jesus in every season.

— Jack and Delaney Toohey, Young Adult Coordinators

Life Groups

At RockPoint, life groups are our life blood

With over a dozen different life groups or mid-week ministry opportunities to choose from, every person has every chance to engage with the body of Christ, to love and be loved well.

SOZO Ministry

Inner healing, wholeness and freedom is possible.

The SOZO Ministry is a unique inner healing and freedom ministry in which the main aim is to get to the root of the things hindering your personal connection with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and possibly with some of your relationships.

By appointment only.

SOZO is the Greek word translated “saved, healed, and delivered.” SOZO carries the concept of ministering to the whole person in spirit, soul, and body. Our heart is to see every believer walk in the fullness of this freedom!

— Mark and Bridgett Weislogel, SOZO Coordinators