Men’s Retreat
Friday October 4 to Sunday October 6 Cost $75
Next Step Classes
Sunday September 22, 29, October 6, 13. Everyone needs to take their “next step” in church life at RockPoint! These classes run four Sundays in a row and are the prerequisite to serving on a ministry team. The classes are great for someone newer to the church, as we’ll cover foundations, our core values, statement…
Welcome Lunch
Sunday September 15, after church service If you are new Rockpoint in 2024, you are invited for lunch! Right after the Sunday service, we’ll enjoy lunch together and a great time of fellowship where you can meet others new to the church as well as the pastors and leaders. If you’ve been coming to RockPoint…
Men’s Breakfast
The men love their monthly breakfast not just because of the food, but because it’s so awesome to hear the powerful things God has done in the lives of other men. Join us this Saturday!
Lifegroup Leaders Orientation
Monday September 9 at 7 pm If you are interested in leading a LifeGroup (whether a new leader or a veteran), you’ll need to attend the Orientation. This will give you all the information you need to run your group successfully and in tandem with the other groups. Please RSVP to Pastor Karyn if you…